Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Salad A Day....

I am one of those people who LOVE a delicious salad but do not like making them. It's always been my least favorite item to prepare. Even growing up I hated when my Mom asked me to put together the salad for dinner.
Something about all the incessant chopping and trying to be creative with what to put in it...
Anyway, I love eating a good salad. So, today I forced myself to make one for lunch.
I happen to be a huge basil fan so I put some basil leaves in the mix, had a bag of lettuce ready to go, added some juicy baby tomatoes, some chicken Marsala from the night before and topped that with toasted almonds and cranberries and presto!

I decided I must force myself everyday, sigh. I never regret making a salad! I feel amazing after I've eaten and that does not happen often!`

Anyone else dread making salads??  I really have no excuse. The grocery stores are carrying so much more in the way of healthy, organic food then they did before. I found bags of salad toppers all ready to go, nuts, cranberries etc. You don't have to do as much thinking work as before.

Here are a few more pictures of salads, just to inspire you me!


Source: via Alicia on Pinter

This one looks AMAZING! Now go make your own yummy concoction of greenery... :)

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